You can make an Amazon Affiliate Website with any good website builder. You may use a Zyro builder or Shopify or Wix or maybe Squarespace. If you are searching for a builder only then any builder will help you make the Amazon affiliate Website. You just need to think about the layout and adjust your text & product image along with the Amazon affiliate link to make a sellable affiliate product page. There are multiple articles that are written on about the Amazon affiliate Website builder. And in an article, I told: “how to make an automatic Amazon affiliate Website”. I will provide all the reference pages that may help you to make it. Apart from that there is always a cheap and best option to get a ready-made website with automatic product adding and blogging options from Fiverr. Without any hidden cost it may start from even $20 for a very nice store. It’s worth.
From now on we will discuss about the different builder and a simple technique to make an Amazon affiliate store with these Website builder’s.
Buy a Website builder or hosting service
To create any kind of Website you will need a Domain name & hosting or there are Website Builders like shopify. These buiders are your hosting + builder. Once you have domain & hosting then you can develop the website. For a Manual Amazon affiliate Website, you need to register to the Amazon affiliate portal first. Once you register on that you can open the Now on the Amazon website with the help of Sitestripe, you can get your affiliate link on any of the Amazon products.
And just putting that link to purchase on the Website basic technicality is done. But putting just a link won’t drive any viewers to the blog. And without showing something very attractive no one is gonna buy even after a proper page on a product.
So here I will tell also tell you what should the strategy to make a sellable Amazon affiliate Website.

See the Example of Manually product adding on this article

In an age of reliance on CAD programs, the skill to express your creativity and vision with a hand-rendered drawing gives an interior designer a distinct advantage in communicating with clients.
So in the above section, you can see just added an image of the product on the left side. On the right, I Put a little description of the product and below that, I put a button. And this button has an affiliate link with my affiliate code that will redirect to Amazon. All little to big detail I also provided in the last article about Amazon affiliates “How to create an Amazon affiliate website“. On this article, you can see how to get your Amazon affiliate links for products.
Again this article Till now described to you the manual way to create the different Affiliate Product pages. To make an Automatic store it will require WordPress Website & Wp automatic to make the Website Auto Product adding & autoblogging.