To create an Amazon affiliate website you need to have a basic knowledge of Website design. If you don’t have that don’t worry I will also include the making of the Website in brief, so if you want you can create it by yourself from scratch.
If you want a fully professional Website developed by a professional at a very low price & high quality then I will provide you the links to get that on the Best Worldwide platform. Here you will get the work up to full satisfaction.
Hosting & Domain name for the Amazon Affiliate Website
To create any kind of Website you will need a Domain name & hosting. Once you have domain & hosting then you can develop the website. For a Manual Amazon affiliate Website, you need to register to the Amazon affiliate portal first. Once you register on that you can open the Now on the Amazon website with the help of Sitestripe, you can get your affiliate link on any of the Amazon products.
And just putting that link to purchase on the Website basic technicality is done. But putting just a link won’t drive any viewers to the blog. And without showing something very attractive no one is gonna buy even after a proper page on a product.
So here I will tell also tell you what should the strategy to make a sellable Amazon affiliate Website.

There are 2 types of Amazon affiliate Website that can be developed
ManuaL Affiliate
In this one you need to create every product page manually by writing it or creating it. For the looks the page usually made as a affiliate product page in woo-commerce, if you are using wordpress for the Website. But it also possible that you can create a Website on any other platform like shopify, wix or google sites.
Automatic Affiliate
There are several programs & plugins that are used to automatically add the Amazon products automatically in the Website. In these type of programs you will need to create campaigns of product adding. And you can use it for Multiple affiliate markets. It is best to use professional service to directly get a Website with all tools already installed & a good design.
How to make it?
Manual Affiliate Website
To create a Manual affiliate Website you need to follow the following steps.
- Buy the domain
- Use a hosting or any free host. Where you can map your domain. (Here if you want to make it free then you can host your domain on Blogger or google sites.)
- Once your domain is connected. And you have at least a platform for blogging. Create a button as I am going to make below
Now if you click on that link there will be a page on the laptop. You can also put the image & some description of the product to complete the page.
In case you don’t have the option to put a button. Then simply take a Bold or heading or big-size text or image & put a link on it.
Just like that. If you are totally new to blogging I will give you a basic tutorial to do that. Use our chat to ask anything. We try to be 24/7 online.
Automatic Amazon affiliate
As We discussed the first option of manual website making is on the first column. In this second column, we will discuss the method of Automatic Website.
- First of all buy domain
- Take hosting as for making an automatic Website you just have a good option which is WordPress.
- Now install WordPress on your domain, that is hosted.
- Once done install Woocommerce & Automatic plugin at least to make a working Website.
- You need to create a campaign via the Wp Automatic plugin.
Now here you will need a lot of technicalities & a Wp automatic is a paid plugin. So for this kind of Website, the best option is to hire a Professional. Even from $10, you can get a designer who will create a good automatic Website for you.
In the below section, I am going to give you direct widgets of the best Amazon Website makers. Listed in a manner the first is best. But all are good.
As $10 may be an entry price and if you are paying for something you need to get quality & a little detailed work that can be beneficial. So I am listing in a price range of $20 price.
On this page, I have almost shown you all the detailing in brief that will give you an idea of “how to create an Amazon affiliate Website”. Now For detailed knowledge or if you want to ask anything to make it in the way shown in the above examples simply write directly in our chat section.
In the last, I am putting a widget of the best Amazon affiliate developer who will make your awesome automatic Website for less than even $50 without any hidden price.
Here I will show just under $20 best designs that are also avail on Fiverr.
So these are paid options at very fewer prices, and you can get the best service with a guaranty as Fiverr works on a Review system that is very good for buyers. Please don’t abuse the system for only your benefit & provide a 5-star rating to the sellers that are providing hard & good work at a very less price.
In case you want to do it by yourself, or you will be responsible for future updates in your Website then it is good to go with Amazon affiliate Website for a New income stream. Don’t think of a magic thing that will suddenly happen. If you already have a Facebook Page or something where you can promote your Website organically then it will be the best way to do that.
If you want to go with us we will provide you a complete amazon affiliate website with a smart tutorial to add new products by yourself. We can also set up an Automatic Product adding website but believe me making it manual with the products that you shortlisted is much more good option if you want to make an income with this Amazon program. As a veteran in the market, I told you the right thing and the right ways to do that. Maybe some of my sentences are just the right hints towards the right direction.
Look my overall conclusion is that you will need to create at least one traffic funnel so traffic may come either it is with SEO a Facebook page, or a paid campaign.
Feel free to reach us anytime.